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Everything You Should Know About TDEE and BMR before Making a Meal Plan

When we think of weight loss or fitness, the very first thing that comes to our mind is Calorie intake. Calories are the amount of energy that food provides. We are surrounded by social media posts, articles, academic papers and celebrities telling us that we need to watch our calories.

People who consult dietitians are advised that to lose weight, they must maintain a "calorie deficit." All of this terminology, however, is incomprehensible to the average individual. As a result, it's time to break down the jargon and walk you through the full calorie-burning process. If you wish to keep your present weight, the quantity of energy you consume should be equal to the amount of energy you burn over time.

Yes, it is actually possible to estimate exactly how many calories you burn on a daily basis. This helps not only every individual but is extremely helpful to those looking to be fitter, stronger, or simply those looking to shed a few kilos. So let’s get started with what is known as TDEE

What is TDEE?

  • TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure and is a metric that is used to denote the calories you burn on a daily basis. It is useful to all segments of people, those who want to lose weight, those who want to gain weight as well as those who want to maintain a certain weight because the TDEE helps you decide a nutrition and training plan for you.

How is TDEE Calculated with the TDEE Formula?

  • Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is a calculation that determines how many calories you burn on a daily basis. The precise quantity of calories your body requires might assist you in properly balancing your diet and achieving your fitness objectives.

  1. BMR – Your basal metabolic rate

  2. NEAT – Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis

  3. TEF – Thermic effect of food

  • All these are TDEE factors that are added up by your nutritionist or your trainer to estimate your TDEE. The next step is to subtract 15-25% depending on how fast you want to lose weight and burn fat to lean down and put yourself at a healthy BMI.

  • You may determine your TDEE with this TDEE formula. By multiplying your BMR by your activity level now that you know your BMR. BMR x 1.9 (intense activity 2 or more times per day, or marathon, triathlon, or other endurance training, etc.)


  • BMR and TDEE aren't the same things, even though they both tell you how many calories your body requires. The term BMR stands for basal metabolic rate (basal means forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base). The basic quantity of calories required to maintain life is known as BMR.

  • It's the energy your body needs to keep your heart beating, circulation, lungs, brain, and other essential organs functioning, and your body temperature stable, among other things.

  • The total daily energy expenditure is TDEE. TDEE, on the other hand, is the number of calories you burn each day, not just to stay alive but also to carry on with your everyday activities (including exercise).

  • To calculate your TDEE, you must first determine your BMR. You can then create an effective calorie deficit goal once you know your TDEE.

Why And How Can TDEE Help With Your Fitness Plan?

  • The TDEE is an accurate depiction of how many calories you’re burning based on your current lifestyle. With the help of this, you can alter your current fitness routine to see better results and move closer to your goal.

  • A lot of people are often unable to lose or gain weight despite working out a lot. This is because they do not know their TDEE and are unable to customize their fitness plan. Once you know your TDEE, your trainer can better tailor your plan to your needs.

Should I Eat My BMR or TDEE?

  • Do you eat according to your BMR or TDEE? It is not a choice between two or any type of competition. Both the terms and the data work together to create the best meal plan possible.

  • Once you've calculated your BMR and TDEE, all you have to do now is make sure your calorie intake is below those figures! So, if your TDEE is 2,200 calories per day, you'll need to consume fewer calories to lose weight.

  • The rate at which you lose it is determined by the size of your daily shortfall. A pound of meat contains around 3,500 calories. Dietitians often prescribe a daily calorie deficit of 500-1,000 calories. The goal isn't to reduce weight as quickly as possible; it's to lose weight consistently.

  • When it comes to losing weight, think of a turtle over a rabbit. With a TDEE of 2,200 calories, aiming for 1,700 calories per day would result in a 500-calorie deficit. This would equate to a weekly weight loss of about one pound.

  • Simply see whether your weight reduces by roughly a pound per week to see if your TDEE is accurate. If not, your BMR or TDEE multiplier may be too high or too low. Isn't it amazing?



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