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Pratham Rana: A Journey Of An 18-Year-Old From A Lean Body To Muscular Body

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

While most people look for quick ways to lose weight, no one talks about gaining weight. Gaining weight and building the body toned and muscular takes real effort. Pratham's journey will give you all the motivation you need to develop a toned body. He gained more than 10 kg in a year and transformed his body into one that was more muscular.

He gained 10 kg and transformed his lean 40 kg body into a more fit 52 kg body within a few months of starting the WHF program. Let us hear from him about how he went about accomplishing that goal and the hurdles he faced along the way.

What Motivates You to Make Muscular Body

  • I've always been a little on the thin side. I'd always wanted to be a little more self-confident, and my body's strength and appearance could help me achieve that goal.

  • I wanted to join a gym, but my busy school schedule has stopped me from doing so. And I discovered the WFH app, which provides all of the benefits of a gym, if not more, for a very low price. In comparison to all of the gym fees I had paid but failed to attend any of the sessions, it was almost insignificant.

  • I'm more excited now that I'll be able to achieve my goal from the comfort of my own home thanks to this app. I signed up, and their support team guided me through the entire process.

What Is The Most Difficult Part About Being Unhealthy?

  • It has always bothered me that I want to do more for my body but am unable to do so due to my hectic school schedule and tuition. I wanted to be more physically and mentally healthy. However, there was no proper guidance or plan to do so, which was very frustrating.

Diet Followed

  • WFH Dietician already gave a complete meal plan that contained everything from proteins to minerals. However, my goal was to gain weight so I focused more on protein. I used to start my day with some egg paratha and a protein shake. For lunch, I ate some vegetable curry with multigrain roti and salad.

  • And sometimes soups or meat rice was served to round off the meal. I avoided all fatty and junk foods. I ate fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as dry fruits and nuts, instead.

  • As a common recommendation for gaining muscle - 1 gram of protein per 1lbs of body weight, I have increased my protein intake by swapping foods. My favorite go-to meal was boiled seasoned chicken with rice.

Workout Followed

  • It was very simple to follow workout routines with WFH; they scheduled my daily workout goal and gave me a list of exercises to do. There is also a live feature of an exercise video of all workouts scheduled for me on the WFH app that helped me to do proper exercise in proper posture and a coach that motivated me to complete my daily targeted set.

  • I used to exercise five days per week. For 4 days, I was doing a heavy weightlifting session and endurance training on the 5th day. My workout included deadlifts, squats, pull-ups, floor press, and shoulder press. I also purchased some WFH equipment, such as dumbbells and suspension belts, among other things. The equipment was of excellent quality and greatly helped me in achieving the best possible results from my workouts.

How Did You Stay Motivated During the Journey?

  • I used to enjoy my workout session and loved to do weight training. And believes that if one loves the type of workout they are doing then he/she will always be focused on their goals.

What Are the Lifestyle Changes You Made?

  • I made three major lifestyle changes, including a shift away from carbs and toward fats and protein in my diet. I began exercising on a daily basis. Most importantly, I've learned that your body needs to rest after a tough workout and that you need to maintain a consistent nighttime routine.

What Did You Give Up for Your Transformation Success?

  • Because I was a night owl with a bad nighttime routine, I gave up those lazy days in order to not only make my body physically more active and healthy but also to make it mentally strong.

Lessons Learnt From The Transformation

  • I've come to realize that if you put in enough effort, almost anything is possible. Any goal can be accomplished if it is divided into smaller, more achievable steps. Now I'm much more confident and healthy.

  • My experience has been a blessing and a joy. From the beginning, gaining muscle has been difficult for me. The app's 24-hour, 365-day support system is wonderful, helpful, and thoughtful during this difficult time. My eating habits have changed, my physical activity has increased, and I'm happier myself.

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